1. What details in this psalms - words, historical references, ideas - seem to require further study?
2. Which of the great themes of the Psalter do I find in this individual psalm...
- God's goodness and unfailing love for the righteous
- the sinfulness of the righteous
- the mystery of the success of the wicked in God's providence
- the mystery of the suffering of the righteous in God's providence
- the confidence in God and in the future despite present suffering
3. What human responses do I find in this psalm?
4. Is the character of the psalm primarily individual or communal?
5. What are some formal poetic features of the poem I am studying, and how do these features illumine its meaning?
6. Is the central verse of the psalm the heart of its meaning?
7. How does the individual psalm I am studying relate to the structure and primary character of the book in which it is found...
- Book 1 - Psalms 1-41 - The King's Confidence in God's Care
- Book 2 - Psalms 42-72 - The King's Commitment to God's Kingdom
- Book 3 - Psalms 73-89 - The King's Crisis over God's Promises
- Book 4 - Psalms 90-106 - The King's Comfort in God's Faithfulness
- Book 5 - Psalms 107-150 - The King's Celebration of God's Salvation
8. How do neighboring psalms illumine the meaning of the particular psalm I am studying?
9. In what ways is Christ central to this psalm?
10. How does this psalm speak to the people of God today?