Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It begins...

As I am certain most bloggers do, they begin by indicating the "start" of the blog was a long time coming.  I have to agree.  This has certainly been on my list to do since at least last summer.  Nevertheless, by a prompting today...it has begun.

And it began with a heart for the blog.  A purpose in writing.  A desire to communicate a word of encouragement or exhortation that would honor the name of Christ and build up those who are His.  In the Greek language of the New Testament, the word, "parakaleo," means, "to call, to urge, to exhort, to comfort, to encourage."

This is my intent in documenting the many thoughts that infiltrate my mind on a daily basis.  Thoughts that attack the way I think and live and propel me towards the way of Truth.  His Truth.  

This blog won't be for everyone.  It was never intended to be so.  It is for the people of God.  Those hidden in Christ Jesus.  They are the intended recipients.  And so, I end this brief entry with a word given to believers long ago through the hand of Paul.  To the Ephesian believers, he penned,

"I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." (Ephesians 4:1-3, ESV)

There is the word, parakaleo.  In his position as a prisoner for the Lord, he urged - exhorted, strongly encouraged - the believers to walk in a manner worthy of their calling as His people.  And that calling looks specific.  It looks like the Word of God lived out in their lives.  May these words that Paul urged long ago be descriptive of the life He has called His church to live today.

And not just the church as a whole, but for you as an individual believer.  It is a life worth being urged to live.  

May He be glorified and lifted up in the blogs to come.


1 comment:

Jordan said...

This is such an encouragement, reminder, and challenge that our lives as followers of Christ are to all be in a manner worthy of our calling of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! So thankful to have brothers and sisters in Christ who desire to live that daily. May we always look to Christ as we strive side by side in one faith, in one unity, in one manner all for the glory of Christ who grants us eternal life!